1018h Identity object

This object contains general information about this device.

Sub-index 1: Vendor Id

Always returns 0x6A, which is the registered Kollmorgen vendor id with CANClosed"Controller area network" CAN is a broadcast, differential serial bus standard developed for connecting electronic control units. Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously in Automation (CiA) organization.

Sub-index 2: Product Code

Returns the product code in a bit-encoded format.

Bit Name Description
31-28 Drive family Always 1 for AKD2G stand-alone drives
27-24 Hardware type 1 – Standard hardware
23-20 Axis count 1 or 2 for single or dual axis
19-16 Programmability Always 1 for AKD2G
15-12 Safety level

1 – SIL2 STO

2 – SIL3 basic safety functions

3 – SIL3 advanced safety functions

11-0 Reserved  

Sub-index 3: Revision Number

The upper two bytes contain a unique number to the CANopen interface for the drive.

Byte Description
3 Firmware minor version (ie: if firmware version is 02-03-01-001, this value is 03)
2 Incrementing revision number that changes when the object mapping is modified for a given minor firmware version
1 Reserved
0 Reserved

Sub-index 4: Serial Number

This is a globally unique number for each drive to distinguish between identical drives. This 32 bit number is the lower 4 bytes of the drive MAC addressClosedA Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a quasi-unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer's registered identification number on the side label and seen with DRV.INFO.


Name Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable
Highest sub-index supported 1018h 0h Unsigned8 - - Read only No
Vendor ID 1018h 1h Unsigned32 - - Read only No
Product code 1018h 2h Unsigned32 - - Read only No
Revision number 1018h 3h Unsigned32 - - Read only No
Serial number 1018h 4h Unsigned32 - - Read only No